Air Force Vet and Price Graduate Increases Affordable Housing in the Heartland

Despite already holding a law degree, a doctorate in education, an MBA, and master’s degrees in economics and political science, Troy Nash – at the recommendation of his business partner and daughter – chose to pursue his Executive Master of Urban Planning (EMUP) degree at USC Price.
EMUP’s unique online program blends urban planning with real estate development. Nash explained, “I understood economic analysis, development and financial feasibility, but I didn’t have the urban planning and design pieces down as much as I wanted. So the program has been a huge benefit for our company.”
Born “on the proverbial wrong side of the tracks” in Kansas City, Missouri, Nash’s life changed when he joined the Air Force. Upon his return home, he became committed to making his hometown a better place and helping his family get the education they needed to escape the cycle of poverty.
After attending law school and eventually serving on the Kansas City Council and Missouri Housing Development Commission, Nash made Missouri history by becoming the first African American partner at a top-tier real estate company.
Even with his extensive expertise, Nash was ready to further his pursuit of lifelong learning with the EMUP program. “I’ve held leadership positions in aspects of real estate and economic development, but I don’t know how I got this far without the degree in urban planning,” Nash said. “It’s one of the few programs where you can take in the information and literally use it the next day. It’s like a boot camp for planning and urban design.”
To learn more about Troy Nash and his experience with his USC Price EMUP degree, read the full USC Online article.